About Me

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Im 18 years old. Attend The Florida State University. I was raised overseas in Japan. Not only have I had the privilege of seeing cartoon animations be drawn at conventions but I was exposed to a lot of different genre of cartoons as well.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Avatar: The Last Airbender

                      Unlike all the other movies I've talked about previously in my blog this one is by far the worst remake I have ever seen in my entire life. I went to go see it when my older brother came to visit for the 4th of July last year. It was his treat (that turned out to be a punishment) to me and my older sister. So it was my older brother and older sister, me and my brother best friend sitting in the movie theater highly upset that what we paid to see was and elementary school remake of such a successful nickelodeon cartoon series. The acting quality was well below poor and the whole capturing the essence and themes of the cartoons, well the producers of this film forgot about that. If I critiqued movies for a living I wouldn't even give this movie the time to write a review, I would use one word, PATHETIC. The effects and motions in the film were all off, they mispronounced the characters names (the main character Aang, prounouned Ung), the intense battle scenes were simmered down to  little cat fights (the Earth tribe doesn't all this movement to shot a pebble), the personality of the characters are changed (Sokka is supposed to be a clown joking all the time, and Aang is a light-hearted Kid who is not frustrated and traumatized all the time) and those are only some of the changes that contributed to the sad excuse of a motion film. Also I think choosing the right actors to play the part, you don't wanna mess up the image of characters already set in the audiences mind from the cartoon not only does it off-set the viewers but it takes away from the story line. Another thing if the series is split up in sections for the storyline to flow it's best not to mix the sections all up in any order, it's confusing. If you can't tell I LOVE the cartoon version of Avatar: The Last Airbender but this movie remake is a joke to me. I'm not the only one that think so either. And come to find out they are trying to come out with a second one, -_- I pray the Lord has mercy on us the first one was bad enough.
don't let the trailer fool you...it sure fooled me

Alvin & The Chipmunks in Action

These little chipmunks and the Chipette counterparts can sing and dance

Alvin & The Chipmunks

                        Alvin & The Chipmunks was one of the best remake films ever. Even though they couldn't get real chipmunks to sing they made the animations behave like little young men. I found this movie to be very entertaining.
This movie was such a big success because the producers and directors captured the personalities of the chipmunks and gave them a new adventure to capture. Although it doesn't follow any exact cartoon story line the chipmunks are still the same little characters we remember them to be.
And as far as the second chipmunk movie goes I think it plays off of one of the Chipmunk movies when the Chipmunks and Chipettes race around the world and sing songs and overcome adversity along the way.

 Stay Beautiful



Behind the Mask

Spiderman : The Epic Blue And Red Supehero

                Everyone has heard of or seen Spiderman whether it be the cartoon the 3 films or viz a friends mouth. The creator of Spiderman, Stan Lee, has created a lot of superheroes. I am lucky enough to have an account with Netflix so I can get  a lot of movies and cartoons for free and the cartoon version of Spiderman Volume 1-4 is available to watch instantly. The cartoon series is called The Spectacular Spiderman. 
The Differences (d) and Similarities(s):

  • (d) in the cartoon Peter Parker's Grandfather died really early on
    in the movie he was there for a while
  • (s) Harry Osborn was Peter's best friend in both mediums. Harry's father likes Peter more then his own son.
  • (d) In the cartoon Harry and Peter have been friends for years and Peter and Mr.Osborn are no strangers. In the beginning of the movie Peter coincidentally meets Harry's dad.
  • (s) Peter works as a freelance photographer for Jameson, taking photos of his secret identity. 
  • (s) Peter is a Senior in high school
  • (d) In the cartoon Harry is the Green Goblin and the reason he is going around terrorizing people and things is because they have threaten his father. In the movie Harry's dad is the green goblin.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let The Show Begin....

List of Cartoons turned into films (33):

  1. Fat Albert
  2. Avatar: The Last Airbender
  3. Transformer
  4. The Flintstones
  5. George of the Jungle
  6. Jungle Book
  7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  8. Batman
  9. Alvin & The Chipmunks
  10. Catwoman
  11. Garfield
  12. Iron Man 
  13. Josie & The Pussycats
  14. League of Extraordinary Men
  15. Richie Rich
  16. Scooby Doo
  17. Spiderman
  18. Stuart Little
  19. Superman
  20. Yogi Bear
  21. X-Men
  22. Space Jam 
  23. Justice League
  24. Inspector Gadget
  25. Fanatastic Four
  26. Elektra
  27. Dragon Ball
  28. The Cat in The Hat
  29. Casper
  30. Simpsons
  31. Speed Racer
  32. Alice Wonderland
  33. Tangled
Stay Beautiful

What Its All About... :)

Hello World,
Nick Jr
 I'm basically writing this blog just to give my newbies a run-down on what this blog is about. I, being the cartoon lover that i am, I love waking up on Saturdays  to catch all my favorite cartoons. I watch everything from the Backyardigans to Spongebob and the Boondocks. Some cartoons I view are more adult oriented then others but over 80% of the television I watch is cartoons. It keeps me from watching the trash TV we call Reality TV. One re-occurring fad I've noticed is that a lot of popular cartoons are being re-written as films. And boy does Hollywood like to mess up a good story or two. Not all cartoon re-makes make bad movies, there are a few movies based on cartoons that are AWESOME!!!
So in my blog i plan on pointing out all the possible changes I can find between the animated cartoon and film version and if these changes contribute to the quality of the piece. Here's two links to sites that have extra long list of cartoons that have been produced as movies.

Well until next time
Stay Beautiful :)